About Us
Membership of the Old Princethorpian Association is free, and all pupil leavers, their parents, and outgoing members of staff across all the schools of the Princethorpe Foundation are automatically granted lifetime membership.
Through Princethorpe Connect  we are able to maintain a database of all members of the association to ensure effective and relevant communication with our Old Princethorpians, whilst also providing members with easy access to alumni news and events and opportunities to connect with each other. We are therefore very successful in putting friends back in touch with each other, so do get in touch at oldprincethorpians@princethorpe.co.uk if you would like help in reconnecting with old friends.
There are additional benefits granted exclusively to members who create an online profile on the platform, such as access to the photo gallery, publications, and special archive material. They will also receive our termly e-newsletter, The Old Princethorpian, which features alumni news and updates from across the generations.
To create your own profile or update your contact details, simply visit Princethorpe Connect.
Please click here to create a profile on Princethorpe Connect
Our Calendar of Events
We have a full calendar of events each year,
ranging from the popular OPs vs College Sports Day, and former parents’ events to gatherings locally and in London and the annual OPs Summer Supper.
OPs are also most welcome at the College Open Events and PTA Christmas and Summer Fairs.
We would encourage OPs to come along and get involved. All are most welcome!
The Old Princethorpian
We publish a termly e-newsletter, The Old Princethorpian, which keeps OPs up to date with developments
at the College and their peers. We are keen to receive your updates to include in the newsletter, this can be personal or career milestones and achievements, such as graduation news, new jobs, gap years, engagements, marriages and births.
Careers and University Support
We are grateful to our Old Princethorpians community for the many ways they support our current students and fellow past pupils, particularly in relation to careers and further study. This includes mentoring, offering industry insights, careers guidance, teaching interview skills, providing work experience placements or contacts, and involvement as a guest speaker in lessons or assemblies, or at the College's biennial Careers Fair.
Our OP Friendly Faces scheme is also going from strength to strength, having been launched just a few years ago to provide a service exclusively for Upper Sixth leavers of Princethorpe College. OP Friendly Faces is an initiative which connects Upper Sixth leavers with OPs already established at their destination university. Through this connection, the Upper Sixth leaver, now a first year OP, is provided with a friendly face to meet up with over a coffee (compliments of the OPs Committee) and someone with whom they have a shared history that they call for advice or information about their university town or city. Feedback over the last few years assures us that this makes for a smoother experience settling in during those first few weeks away from home.
If you would like to support current students or recent leavers in any of these ways, we would love to hear from you. Please email the Alumni and Development team at oldprincethorpians@princethorpe.co.uk.
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