Uniform is compulsory for College pupils and helps to create a sense of shared identity, community spirit and a pride in oneself and in the College.

Uniform 1
Blazer with College crest, plain white shirt, House tie, black College V-neck jumper, black school trousers (not jeans or canvas material), plain black socks, plain black shoes (not trainer-type shoes).
Uniform 2
Blazer with College crest, plain white revere collar blouse, a green College V-neck jumper, a pleated school skirt, worn to the knee, and/or black school trousers (not jeans or canvas material). Black opaque tights, short plain black ankle socks, plain black low-heeled shoes. In warm weather, transparent tights may be worn.
Additional Information
Underwear, including T-shirts must not be visible under shirts or blouses. Canvas pumps, ankle boots or black trainers are not permitted. Outdoor coats must be plain in colour with no obvious logos, no leather, fur or denim. In severe winter weather pupils are allowed to wear boots or wellingtons to school but must change into shoes once inside the school building. Hats, scarves and gloves, if worn, must be plain or school branded;
Non-school uniform items are prohibited in school.
Sixth Form Dress Code
Although College uniform is not required we expect Sixth Formers to set an example by smartness of dress and appearance.
A smart business suit with a jacket, which is to be worn at all times. Patterned fabrics are acceptable as long as they are made from a suit fabric i.e. check, tartan etc
Sixth Form dress code option 1
Skirt suit with blouse or dress suit - blouse and dress must have a sleeve. Skirt or dress must be worn at the knee.
Sixth Form dress code option 2
Trouser suit with blouse – blouse must have a sleeve.
Sixth Form dress code option 3
Trouser suit with shirt and tie – shirt must have a collar
Sixth Form shoes and accessories
- Jumpers, tank-tops and cardigans are permitted – round or v neck only. No zips or adornments on any knitwear worn.
- If a student chooses to wear an item of knitwear, then they must wear this on top of a shirt or blouse not instead of.
- Any cardigan worn must be worn underneath a suit jacket not instead of a jacket.
- Formal shoes, no trainers or boots (see images in the Prospectus Information Booklet). Shoes may be a slip-on loafer style, laced or other formal shoe with a sensible heel.