Inauguration Ceremony Welcomes New Princethorpe Prefect Body
The new Princethorpe College Prefect Body for 2024-2025 was formally inaugurated into office at an end of term ceremony on Friday 22 March.
Parents of the new prefects were invited to College to watch the afternoon’s formal ceremony.
Head of Sixth Form, Ben Collie, introduced the incoming prefects who were presented with their prefect badges by Grove du Toit, Headmaster. Outgoing Heads of School, Natalya Elden and Izzy Wright, formally handed over the keys of office to the incoming Heads of School, Seb Bainbridge and Megan Shipton.
Mr du Toit took inspiration from the gospel as he shared his thoughts on the importance of leadership and the qualities of a good leader.
The College extends warm thanks to the outgoing prefect body and subject ambassadors for all their hard work and unstinting service this last year.
We wish the new prefects well as they take up their duties.