Year 8 Learn About Sustainability And Fast Fashion
Year 8 were treated to an informative and insightful talk on Sustainability and Fast Fashion by Princethorpe parent Michelle Carvell on Wednesday 8 January.
Michelle has plenty of experience in sustainability through her business, Lorax EPI, an organisation that helps companies navigate and comply with extended producer responsibilities.
Michelle spoke about the environmental and social issues of fast fashion, the problem of the volume of clothes produced, as well as the many challenges of recycling them. She highlighted issues including intensive production processes, the social impacts on developing countries, how hard it is to recycle, the issue of micro plastics in textiles and the growth of the fast fashion industry.
She stressed the importance of moving from a linear economy to a circular economy and left pupils with the message that there is no such thing as ‘away’. When you throw something away it must go somewhere.
It was a very engaging and interesting session and excellent enrichment for Year 8’s study of sustainability, a key topic in their Geography curriculum.