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Princethorpe Celebrated World Book Day

07 Mar

Staff and pupils had a great time celebrating World Book Day. One of the English department and Library highlights of the year, it is always a great opportunity to share the joy of books.

We had World Book Day activities taking place all week with the Library running three competitions, 'Who’s Coming To Dinner?', 'Murder In The Library' and the 'Staff Badge Hunt'. There have also been fun activities for all at break and lunchtimes, including the 'Book Wordsearch Challenge' and the 'Emoji Quiz'. Then there was 'The Big Book Trail' to follow around school and our weekly Tutor Group House Quiz was all about books. The Library team made the most of the opportunity to give away free books and across school, in lessons, staff and pupils made time to talk about and read books.

Of course, here at Princethorpe the book fun never stops, so why not follow @princethorpelibrary on Instagram and get involved. The College has a regular pupils’ book club that meets to swap stories and share news of their favourite authors. Then there is the Library’s Book of the Month, providing a regular insight into different authors.  Parents can even get in on the act by coming along to Ms Newborough’s Parents’ Reading Group. 

We know reading matters and we hope everyone enjoyed World Book Day.