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About Us

Old Princethorpians is the College's thriving and popular association for past pupils, their parents and former members of staff.  We are delighted to include past pupils of St Mary's Priory within the association too, or VSOPs as we like to call them.

Membership of the association is free and all leavers and their parents are automatically granted lifetime membership. We are now using the Princethorpe Connect database to improve our communication with Old Princethorpians. To register or update your contact details simply visit Princethorpe Connect.

Please click here to create a profile on Princethorpe Connect

We aim to keep past pupils, parents and staff in touch and to foster links with the College.

We are interested in hearing from all past pupils and how they are faring in life post Princethorpe. We have information on a large number of former pupils and are very successful in putting friends back in touch with each other.

Our calendar of events

We have a full calendar of events each year,
ranging from the popular OPs vs College Sports Day, and former parents’ events to gatherings locally and in London and the annual OPs Summer Supper.

OPs are also most welcome at the College Open Events and PTA Christmas and Summer Fairs.
We would encourage OPs to come along and get involved. All are most welcome!

To view upcoming OP events please click here.

If you can't make our events and would like to visit the College on a normal working day please email Melanie Butler, OPs Secretary so we can organise a tour guide to look after you.
We also publish a termly e-newsletter, The Old Princethorpian, which keeps OPs up to date with developments
at the College and their peers.  We are keen to receive your updates to include in the newsletter, this can be personal or career milestones and achievements, such as graduation news, new jobs, gap years, engagements, marriages and births. 

Old Princethorpians support current pupils and fellow past pupils through mentoring, advice and careers guidance including interview skills, work experience and involvement in the College's Careers Fair which takes place every two years.

Over the course of the last year we have launched a new scheme, OP Friendly Faces and we now have a network of OPs in universities across the UK.  OP Friendly Faces aims to link past pupils established at university with first year students. Providing a friendly, familiar face to meet up with over a coffee (compliments of the OPs) or having someone to call in your new uni town or city, has we hope made for a smoother experience in those first few weeks away from home. 

Princethorpe College and the Old Princethorpians’ Association are committed to protecting your privacy - please click here to go to our Privacy Notices.