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Lower Sixth Walk 24 Miles For Mary's Meals

13 Jun

Huge congratulations to our valiant Lower Sixth walkers who took on the challenge of walking 24 miles in 7 hours on Sunday 9 June. 

As always, our Lower Sixth were walking in aid of Mary’s Meals, raising money to feed the children of Makalanga Primary School in Malawi. Remember just £19 feeds one child for a whole year, and you can still support their fundraising here.

Oscar Reynolds, Seb Bainbridge, Lachlan Greig, Xander MacRae and Calan Byrne were first home, completing the distance in 7 hours and 32 minutes.

We had a few tender feet in school the following day after a really superhuman effort from them all.

Well done to the 26 walkers. We are incredibly proud of you all.

Tagged  2023-2024  Sixth Form  Charity