Parents Enjoy Headmaster's Quiz

Every year the PTA organises an event to welcome new parents and their children to the school. This year, due to the event being cancelled last year, both Year 7 and Year 8 parents were warmly welcomed to Princethorpe to take on the Headmaster's Quiz.
On offer was a challenging mental workout accompanied by a sumptuous curry supper, kindly prepared by the catering team. Both events opened with the very testing question, 'Which house is your child in?' and, only when answered correctly, could parents then collect their supper from the kitchen and drinks from the PTA cash and card bar.
Then, while the children enjoyed their social, organised by House Activities Leader, Jess Newborough and her team. Mr Hester put the parents through their paces with rounds including Sport, History, Maths, Films and Celebrities, as well as a special round dedicated to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. With all important house points up for grabs each round was hotly contested, though everyone had lots of fun and laughter along the way.
Many thanks to the PTA for organising such successful events, to out Holroyd Howe catering team for the super food, to all the College staff who assisted and to all the parents for participating so enthusiastically. The evenings were both huge successes raising an amazing total of £753.07.
Money raised by the PTA is used for the enrichment of pupils attending Princethorpe College so do look out for the next event! The PTA can now accept payment using credit card.
If you want to support fundraising for the school, please note the PTA is registered with Easy Fundraising, so why not sign up to support the PTA. You can find out more here.